For over the last two decades, the Federal government has enacted many laws and established a multitude of regulations, policies and strategies to make better use its facility and real property assets. In practice, most focus on efficiency and output measures, but measurably more can be achieved by including effectiveness and outcome measures.
This can be accomplished by adopting ISO 55000, a new international standard for Asset Management, as a uniform method for Federal agencies to evaluate and measure the relative contribution facilities and real property assets make to agency missions, goals and objectives. Adoption of ISO 55000 for this purpose would measurably increase the transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness of Federal facility and real property decision making increasing the benefits to the American people derived from these same assets.
The Asset Leadership Network has issued a Call to Action – Federal Facility & Real Property Asset Management encouraging the Federal government to adopt ISO 55000 and its requirement to establish and use stable, universal asset management principles.
See our complete position paper here: