This Library is a collection of external documents that can be useful to Asset Leaders, Asset Managers, and more.

Moshe Nelson, Principal, Grant Thornton Public Sector, principal author of “Assisting Ukraine by planning for post-war reconstruction”

Capital Fund Proposal: Upfront Funding Could Benefit Some Projects, but Other Potential Effects Not Clearly Identified
Federal Real Property Asset Management: Additional Direction in Government-Wide Guidance Could Enhance Natural Disaster Resilience

PUTTING PUBLIC ASSETS TO WORK – Examining the Potential of Urban Wealth Funds for North American
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

Infrastructure 4.0:
Achieving Better Outcomes with Technology and Systems Thinking

Equity in Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities
by the RAND Lowy Family Middle-Class Pathways Center

Getting tangible about intangibles: The future of growth and productivity?
McKinsey Global Institute

Advancing Equity and Inclusion: A Guide for Municipalities
by the City for All Women Initiative (CAWI), Ottawa, Canada

“Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development: A Handbook for Local and National Governments.” While intended for nations, any organization can find something useful in the more than 400-page PDF available for free at this link. The document mentions the ISO 55K structure, but provides its own approach to Asset Management Action Plans, a Diagnostic Tool, templates, case studies, a glossary and more.

- The GAO Study – “Federal Real Property Asset Management” – agencies could benefit from additional information on leading practices.
- Highlights of the GAO Study: Federal Real Property Asset Management.
- The GAO 2021 High-Risk List
- Highlights – Dedicated Leadership Needed to Address Limited Progress in Most High-Risk Areas

The Moore Testimony – USCG calls out ISO 55000 to congress – Testimony of Rear Admiral Nathan A. Moore Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics on Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure before The House Coast Guard & Maritime Transportation (CG&MT) Subcommittee