Social Impact of Asset Management

Social Impact of Asset Management

Seminar is May 10, 3:30 pm ET in Philadelphia and online!

Approaching the ALN 10th Anniversary later this year, it is not surprising that Sociology is taking center stage in our activities. We have come to learn that the tools and processes of asset management work well. Establishing a culture of asset management is the greatest challenge. To help with establishing a culture of asset management, we are focusing more on social implications.

This seminar is a 100% free resource presented by the US TAG to ISO TC/251.

Register Here to attend online, or attend in person:

ASTM International headquarters
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA USA


Introduction (3:30 – 3:35 pm)

Public Service Announcement: Stroke Prevention (3:35 – 3:40 pm)

  • Speaker: Alan Stillman

US National Academies – Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities Implementation (3:40 – 4:00 pm)

Update on the current implementation of the US National Academies’ recommended strategies.

“This is the highest level, most authoritative source for implementing an ISO 55000-based Asset Management System in the US Federal Government.  This square meter building portfolio that consumes about $70 billion in US dollars every year.  Application of ISO 55000 introduces management system thinking to overcome current policy shortfalls that make short term investment decisions based on budget availability.”

  • Speaker: Jack Dempsey, Asset Management Partnership

Panel: Risk, Value, and Multiple Capitals and Asset Management (4:00  4:55 pm)

Panel discussion on risk, value, and multiple capitals, and their relationship to Asset Management.

  • Panel:
  • Mary Adams

           Multiple capitals, IFRS

  • Rhys Davies FIAM, Chair of US TAG to ISO TC/251

          Decision making framework and how you use it in Asset Management

  • Paedar Duffy, Global ESG Practice Lead, Archer Integrated Risk Management


  • Moderator: James Dieter, CEO, Asset Leadership Network

Michigan Infrastructure Council (4:55 – 5:15 pm)

“Asset Management has a well-documented knowledge and practice base, however, to advance towards a systemic continuous whole-life cycle sustainability it must be coordinated with two critical disciplines:  finance and land use.” 

  • Speaker: James Tischler, FAICP, PCP; Michigan State Land Bank Authority

Getting Serious about Social: Social Factors in Infrastructure Decision Making (5:15 – 5:35 pm)

This presentation explores how the systematic inclusion of social factors in infrastructure decision-making can benefit both society and the organization, using Anglian Water (UK) as an example.

  • Speaker: Boudewijn Neijens, Chief Marketing Officer, Copperleaf Technologies

Panel: Asset Management and Climate Change (5:35 – 6:30 pm)

Panel discussion on climate change and its effect on Asset Management.

  • Panel: Chris Roberts, TBD

This seminar is a 100% free resource presented by the USTAG to ISO TC251.

Register Here to attend online, or attend in person:

ASTM International headquarters
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA USA

ALN Cities & Places Asset Leadership Board

ALN Cities & Places Asset Leadership Board

ALN Cities & Places Asset Leadership Board Roundtable

May 23, 3 – 4:30 pm Eastern

Cities & Places Board Co-Chairs:

  • Claude D. Tankersley, P.E., Public Works Administrator, City of St. Petersburg
  • Jennifer Mims, Director of Asset Management, Jacobs
  • Jim Dieter, ALN CEO, and Jacobs Senior Expert Asset Management Consultant

The Asset Leadership Network is pleased to launch the ALN Cities & Places Asset Leadership Board to assist rapid deployment of best asset management practices among the organizations that run the places where we live, work, and play.

Leaders from cities, towns, and places we spend our time are invited to share their best asset management practices and learn from their colleagues.

The first meeting will allow people to indicate the kinds of programs and activities they want to participate in this year.

Our first program will be a web Roundtable discussion led by the Co-chairs and featured executives with asset management success stories that can be replicated. The Roundtable will also feature a report from the Government Finance Officers Association annual conference in Portland, Oregon.

Kyle Wedberg, PhD, Senior Manager with GFOA will join the web Roundtable from the conference to provide an overview of asset management presentations and conversations at the event.

For more information, contact Mike Bordenaro, ALN Executive Director at

Asset Management in Support of National Defense

Asset Management in Support of National Defense

Asset Management in Support of National Defense

An International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories

AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 13 April 8am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C. time: Wednesday 12 April 5pm EST

Rachel Scott was an officer in the Royal Australian Navy with her last role being the Senior Reliability Engineer for maritime Defence. In this role, she provided technical advice for the asset management of over $100 billion worth of assets and projects, including Submarines, Operational Patrol Vessels, Frigates, Destroyers, Mine Hunters and autonomous vehicles. As a private citizen, she continues to provide specialist support to the RAN and its industry partners in asset and asset management system improvement.

Ms. Scott will address strategies and successful implementation of military asset management systems that assure desired outcomes, including significant reduction in resources needed to deliver capability, articulating risk in the face of funding constraints, and more. Ms. Scott is Director of Education and Training at The Asset Management College.

Peter Dodgion Civil Works Asset Management Chief, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mr. Dodgion will present on use of a structured approach to asset management to enable the USACE Civil Works mission is to support 25,000-mi of inland and coastal waterways, 926 harbors, 400-mi of shoreline protection, 3 percent of the electrical generation capacity in the United States and more.

The mission requires operating and maintaining assets as effectively and efficiently as possible in support of many uses, including potential national defence. Because there is relatively limited annual funding appropriated to the Civil Works Program. Mr. Dodgion will address the USACE asset management system values and benefits as it has evolved since the USACE began studying PAS 55.

Value, ESG, and ISO Governance Standards

Value, ESG, and ISO Governance Standards

mary adams

Peader Duffy, Global ESG Practice Lead at Archer Integrated Risk Management; ESG Exchange Technical Committee Chair; and member of the ISO 37000 governance committee, will provide a governance-oriented presentation on Maintaining Value and Creating Value. Mr. Duffy defines risk and value in terms of what leaders need to know to improve policy and decision making, not in terms of depreciated asset value.

ESG expert Mary Adams, President, Smarter-Companies and Co-Founder, Insights7, and Jim Dieter, ALN CEO will join in a discussion after the presentation.

Managing Data as an Asset – Value and Benefits Series

Managing Data as an Asset – Value and Benefits Series

Value and Benefits from Asset Management

An International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories

AEST – Sydney time: Wednesday 8 February 8am – 9am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C. time: Tuesday 7 February 4pm – 5pm EST

Two presentations that focus on how strategic decisions about addressing data as an asset, enables the delivery of customer outcomes, through asset management.


Kimon Onuma is President of Onuma, Inc., a consultant to California Community Colleges and it’s Los Angeles Community College District.

The California Community Colleges has 112 campuses and more than 5,000 buildings and has been using APIs for Space Management, GIS, CMMS, BIM and visualizing its asset data through its FUSION data system for more than a decade.

The Los Angeles Community College District has 9 campuses, 742 buildings and leverages the FUSION platform to use the same asset data across multiple web applications.

An executive from LACCD has been invited to join the presentation.

John Hardwick, Executive Director for Asset Management at Transport, New South Wales, Australia.

John is responsible for leading and enabling transport service outcomes for customers and communities, through effective whole of life asset management. 

John was previously the Executive Director, Sydney Division for former Roads and Maritime Services where he led the division’s first Strategic Asset Management Plan. 

John has a background of over 30 years in asset management within the electricity and transport industries, is a passionate leader of organizational improvement in asset and operational risk management and has implemented world class asset management strategies and data driven systems to manage risk and provide value for customers and communities.

John is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves as a board member for numerous global and Australian asset management organizations.

Asset Management Leadership: A White Paper

Asset Management Leadership: A White Paper

The IAM and ALN hold a joint webinar to discuss the paper and get your views on the areas discussed in this paper. The panel includes the key authors, Ursula Bryan, IAM CEO and Jim Dieter ALN CEO.

The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) and the Asset Leadership Network (ALN) are delighted to co-publish “Asset Management Leadership: A White Paper.”

The paper outlines key characteristics of leadership to assist asset management organizations achieve mission success.  It identifies that leaders exist at all levels of an organization and covers roles leaders play at those different levels to harness untapped organizational potential. The paper also highlights what leaders can do to support advancing asset management in an organization.  The paper concludes with some reflections on why this is a decisive decade for asset management leadership.

The IAM and ALN would like to thank the principal authors of this paper Mark Knight and Mark DeClercq (IAM USA chapter) and Michael Bordenaro (ALN) and the numerous contributors from both organizations who reviewed and commented on the paper.

Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership

Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership

Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership is a month of web programs starting December 1 2022. A PDF “book” of highlights will result from the program. If you are interested in participating or contributing content to Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership, email ALN Executive Director Mike Bordenaro at

December 1 – View Recordings Here

A special hour-long edition of ALN Th@3 pm ET featuring ALN Board Chair Jim Dieter, and ALN Board Members Jack Kelly and Jack Dempsey discussing documents that help leaders set policy, establish strategy, and implement tactics that drive government organizational impact.

December 8 – View Recordings Here

A panel on Canadian legislation, policy and strategy that is beginning to influence asset management in the U.S. Chris Chen, Executive Director, Asset Management Ontario will be a featured presenter. Ashay Prabhu, Founder of Assetic, and Jennifer Zach, CMO MentorAPM, ALN Board of Directors Member and Canadian citizen will join the panel.


December 15 – Register Here

A discussion with key authors of the Portland, Oregon Asset Management Policy that was impacted by the ALN Advancing Equity with Asset Management Board. Chris Silkie and Shannon Reynolds from the City of Portland, Oregon will be featured.

December 22 – Register Here

An open discussion on outcomes influenced by policy…with a holiday party theme (speakers must wear holiday clothing on their upper body.)

December 29 – Register Here

A recap of highlights on Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership by selected attendees. Let us know if you are interested in participating in the recap session (and New Year’s Party.)

ALN 2022 Spring Summit: Microgrid Asset Leadership

ALN 2022 Spring Summit: Microgrid Asset Leadership

Microgrids are local energy grids that may connect to, and disconnect from, traditional wide-area electric grids.

Microgrids are valued for power reliability at critical infrastructure, such as hospitals, water treatment plants, in disaster recovery areas, and after armed conflicts, like in Ukraine.

A structured approach to asset management combined with Microgrid innovation will help leaders understand how to gain dramatic benefits in support of mission sustainability.

ALN Microgrid Asset Leadership Roundtable


Dr. Dorothy Robyn, Senior Fellow at the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy; National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, Board Member; Dr. Tony McGrail, IEEE Asset Management Committee Chair; Jon Arnup, CEO Trent Port Services, Singapore, an ALN Member Organization; Moshe Nelson, ALN Senior Fellow, Principal, Grant Thornton Public Sector, an ALN Member Organization;

ALN Microgrid BIMStorm Interactive Workshop – Focus on Ukraine

bureau veritas

Digital Twins representing microgrids can be created on your computer and “landed” in Ukraine to help model restoration of power. Combine that with the coordinated input of expert participants who have been pre-planning for the workshop BIMstorm, and meaningful microgrid asset management planning is established. Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc., an ALN Patron Organization, leads William Heegaard, President of Footprint Project renewable microgrid provider to Ukraine.

Microgrid BIMStorm Interactive Workshop Presentation

A live presentation of results from the Interactive Workshop. Michael Hardy, Bureau Veritas, Asset Management Leader, Buildings & Infrastructure and ALN Senior Fellow, provides expert commentary. Art Kurland, ALN Senior Fellow and University Health Director, Capital and Asset Management also comments. Focus is on observations and recommendations for ways of achieving mission success.

Paul Shmotolokha – ALN Th@3

CEO, Director at New Use Energy.

People Are Not Assets – Roundtable

People Are Not Assets – Roundtable

It is common for organizational leaders to say, “Our people are our most important assets.” While well-meaning, assets are things – tangible and intangible. The contributions of people are the intangible assets that are being referred to in the misguided phrase above. The patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property of people are assets, not the people themselves.

Opening Statements

Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership Summit

Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership Summit


Infrastructure is intended to support human flourishing. But often, the human interest in new projects detracts from the necessary work of maintaining infrastructure so it can be of service to ongoing generations of stakeholders.

The ALN 2022 Spring Web Summit will highlight the proven ways leaders of federal agencies, states, and local governments can work together to ensure the highest value is delivered to the nation through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

– Examples of what has worked in the U.S. and other countries will be highlighted.

– Thought leaders will share how existing approaches to infrastructure asset management can be improved.

Tuesday 15 March

1:00 pm Eastern – Keynote Program: Michigan Infrastructure Council – Presentations and discussions with John Weiss, MIC Chairman; Erin Kuhn, Exec. Director West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission; Ryan Laruwe, MIC Executive Director; Iain Cranston, President, icInfrastructure, consultant on MIC Council Asset Management Training

2:00 pm Eastern – Continued discussion with other State and Local Executives including a GFOA Representative – Michael DeMers, Principal, Grant Thornton; Hugh Sinclair, Division Manager, Enterprise Asset Management, WSSC Water; Kyle Wedberg, Senior Manager, Research and Consulting, GFOA; Chris Silke, Portland, Oregon Parks and Recreation, Asset Management Program Manager

3:00 pm Eastern – Cameron Oskvig, Director, National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE); Jack Dempsey, BICE Board Member; ALN Board of Directors Member; ALN Senior Fellow; Director, Definitive Logic

3:30 pm Eastern – Andrew Von Ah, Director of Infrastructure U.S. Government Accountability Office and Elizabeth Repko, Director for Surface Transportation Issues; Heather Krause, Director for Aviation Issues; Jill Naamane, Director for Federal Asset Management Issues

Wednesday 16 March

1:00 pm Eastern – Panel: Learning from International Infrastructure Asset Leadership Success

  • Chris Chen, Executive Director at Asset Management Ontario (AMONTario)
  • Michelle Walker, Corporate Asset Management Coordinator, City of Greater Geelong, Australia
  • Ben Clark, Group Manager, Assets and Infrastructure, Town of Walkerville, AU
  • Edesio Scalese, Jr., Regional Maintenance Principal Engineer – LATAM – Syngenta
  • Jorge Cerezo Restrepo, Asset Management Director, EPM Colombia
  • Sergio Custodio, Gerente Regional America do Sul, ABS Quality Evaluations do Brasil Ltda.

2:30 pm Eastern – Transportation Asset Leadership Roundtable

  • Mildred Chua-Ulger, ALN Board of Directors, ALN Senior Fellow; IAM Knowledge Leadership Group Lead; 34 years with NYC MTA
  • Amy Lindblom, Director, Enterprise Asset Management, Sound Transit; IAM USA, Chair; IAM North America Women in Asset Management, Chair
  • Robert Radovanovic, PhD, Branch Manager, Calgary Engineering at McElhanney, University of Calgary, Adjunct Associate Professor
  • Alexa Braun, Vice President & Operations Leader- Strategic Consulting, North America, Jacobs