Social Impact of Asset Management
Seminar is May 10, 3:30 pm ET in Philadelphia and online!
Approaching the ALN 10th Anniversary later this year, it is not surprising that Sociology is taking center stage in our activities. We have come to learn that the tools and processes of asset management work well. Establishing a culture of asset management is the greatest challenge. To help with establishing a culture of asset management, we are focusing more on social implications.
This seminar is a 100% free resource presented by the US TAG to ISO TC/251.
Register Here to attend online, or attend in person:
ASTM International headquarters
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA USA
Introduction (3:30 – 3:35 pm)
Public Service Announcement: Stroke Prevention (3:35 – 3:40 pm)
- Speaker: Alan Stillman
US National Academies – Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities Implementation (3:40 – 4:00 pm)
Update on the current implementation of the US National Academies’ recommended strategies.
“This is the highest level, most authoritative source for implementing an ISO 55000-based Asset Management System in the US Federal Government. This square meter building portfolio that consumes about $70 billion in US dollars every year. Application of ISO 55000 introduces management system thinking to overcome current policy shortfalls that make short term investment decisions based on budget availability.”
- Speaker: Jack Dempsey, Asset Management Partnership
Panel: Risk, Value, and Multiple Capitals and Asset Management (4:00 4:55 pm)
Panel discussion on risk, value, and multiple capitals, and their relationship to Asset Management.
- Panel:
- Mary Adams
Multiple capitals, IFRS
- Rhys Davies FIAM, Chair of US TAG to ISO TC/251
Decision making framework and how you use it in Asset Management
- Paedar Duffy, Global ESG Practice Lead, Archer Integrated Risk Management
- Moderator: James Dieter, CEO, Asset Leadership Network
Michigan Infrastructure Council (4:55 – 5:15 pm)
“Asset Management has a well-documented knowledge and practice base, however, to advance towards a systemic continuous whole-life cycle sustainability it must be coordinated with two critical disciplines: finance and land use.”
- Speaker: James Tischler, FAICP, PCP; Michigan State Land Bank Authority
Getting Serious about Social: Social Factors in Infrastructure Decision Making (5:15 – 5:35 pm)
This presentation explores how the systematic inclusion of social factors in infrastructure decision-making can benefit both society and the organization, using Anglian Water (UK) as an example.
- Speaker: Boudewijn Neijens, Chief Marketing Officer, Copperleaf Technologies
Panel: Asset Management and Climate Change (5:35 – 6:30 pm)
Panel discussion on climate change and its effect on Asset Management.
- Panel: Chris Roberts, TBD
This seminar is a 100% free resource presented by the USTAG to ISO TC251.
Register Here to attend online, or attend in person:
ASTM International headquarters
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA USA