ALN AiBrainStorm – TreeSTORM

We will show how manage trees as assets using Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins to plan, design, implement, manage and operate Tiny Forests. We will show how to measure and monitor success for a Tiny Forest and provide a pathway for teaching teams about asset management for all assets by learning about tree asset management.

The founder of Afforestt Institute, Shubhendu Shwarma, a global Tiny Forest leader has agreed to participate and will provide insights on how to link the measurable success of Tiny Forests to a theoretical cryptocurrency.

The activities surrounding this event will be written up for the American Journal of Economics and Sociology. ALN Senior Fellow Marty Rowland, is the special editions editor of the Journal and is participating in the activities. He is Co-Chair of the ALN Trees Asset Leadership Board.

Nick Knoke, ALN Director, Technology is another Co-Chair of the ALN Trees Asset Leadership Board.

Amelia Shachoy, formerly with the U.S. Government Accountability Office will participate in a pre-event exploration of the value of trees as assets.

Kimon Onuma, President of ALN Patron Organization, ONUMA, Inc., will again demonstrate ways to use Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins with Asset Management governance to improve desired outcomes.

From Previous ALN AiBrainStorms with Kimon Onuma