This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET May 6th feature a chat with Chris Lyles, WAPA Vice President of Asset Planning and Management, and Mike Bordenaro, ALN Director, Communication.
Daniel Ortiz, ALN Senior Fellow, will present a webinar titled, “How does Maintenance add Value to the Company?” in a Spanish-language webinar at the 23rd International Congress on Maintenance and Asset Management on May 26th. See more in Upcoming Events below.
Chris Lyles was an Asset Manager when he first presented to the ALN on the DOE’s Western Area Power Administration’s use of ISO 55000. He is now WAPA’s Vice President of Asset Planning and Management. (An interesting title we will explore this Thursday.) Mr. Lyles started working for the DOE as a contractor in 1995 and joined DOE as a Federal Project Director managing utility asset projects in 2006. He joined WAPA in 2008. He has a Master’s in Business Administration, a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and is a Certified Project Management Professional. We look forward to learning about about how asset management impacts high voltage power transmission and how the federal transmission system interfaces with the rest of the electrical grid.
David Totman has been named an ALN Senior Fellow. Mr. Totman is Vice President, Asset Management, Innovyze and is the American Society of Civil Engineers voting member of the US TAG TC251, which contributes to the ISO 55000 series of standards. Mr. Totman is focused on the water & wastewater industry and has experience with all utilities. He will be assisting the ALN in legislative outreach, education and other issues.
Drinking Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021
The U.S. Senate passed the $35 billion Drinking Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021 last week and it is now to be reviewed by the House. The newly formed ALN Water & Wastewater Asset Leadership Board, which includes Tacoma Zach, President, Uberlytics and David Totman (see above) as Co-Chairs, has prepared an ALN Position Paper on the Act. The Position Paper applauds the bi-partisan support for the Act, but cites the American Society of Civil Engineers’ call for more than $500 billion to address the true water and wastewater issues in the U.S. See the one-page position paper at this link.
Turning good-for-government ideas into good-for-people solutions
The U.S. General Services Administration announced 10x’s selection of 22 ideas that will have the potential to improve how the government uses technology to serve the public. These ideas will receive phased funding to build technology for the public good and align with government-wide priorities of rebuilding public trust with the government, protecting the environment, and promoting equitable public service. Housed within the Technology Transformation Services (TTS), 10x accepts ideas on a rolling basis from civil servants and typically evaluates them twice a year, funding only the most promising ideas. Topics range from climate and environmental justice to growing minority-owned businesses in the federal marketplace.
Upcoming Events
Thursdays at 4 pm Eastern – Register Here
May 6 –
Chris Lyles, Western Area Power Administration
May 13 –
Dr. Annette Kampf-Dern
May 20 –
Tacoma and Jennifer Zach, MentorAPM
May 27 –
Malak Bahrami, Fairfax County Park Authority
June 3 –
Gary Merrow, VP, Atlanta Airlines Terminal Company
23rd International Congress for Maintenance and Asset Management
May 26 – 28
The Colombian Association of Engineers ACIEM and the Organizing Committee of the Congress International Maintenance and Management Assets CIMGA – EXPOMANTENER, held their first virtual Congress and had participation from 300 companies and 800 attendees hearing from 80 speakers. They invite you to join to the second version CIMGA – EXPOMANTER virtual, which will take place from May 26 to 28, 2021.