People, while highly valuable, are not assets. See more below in Ideas. In People, you will see that Frank Estala, Senior Compliance Auditor, Integrity Services, University Health is our guest this week on ALN Th@3 pm ET.

Frank Estala, Senior Compliance Auditor, Integrity Services, University Health, has been responsible for the internal audit for the first hospital ISO 55001 certified in the world. He has also interfaced with external auditors for the asset management certification. He has had oversight of more 1,300 research studies. Mr. Estala says his department is monitoring waste, fraud, and abuse, but the main objective is better risk management with auditing. Learn about the ISO 55001 certification processes at University Health and lessons learned and benefits from multiple ISO 55001 certifications from Mr. Estala this Th@3 pm ET.
The ALN 2022 Winter Summit included web program featuring our international colleagues offering exceptional ideas and proven examples of how to improve U.S. infrastructure with a structured approach to asset management. The recording of the video features professionals from Australia, Canada, Columbia, and Brazil providing repeatable processes that can help the U.S. gain the most from the upcoming Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act spending. See the video from Wednesday 16 March at this link.
It is common for organizational leaders to say, “Our people are our most important assets.” While well-meaning, assets are things – tangible and intangible. The contributions of people are the intangible assets that are being referred to in the misguided phrase above. The patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property of people are assets, not the people themselves. Dr. Monique Beedles, an asset management leader, has written a paper titled “Why People are not your Greatest Assets”. She writes that even the World Economic Forum got it wrong by issuing a 2020 paper, “Human Capital is an Asset.” Join Dr. Beedles and others in an “ALN Roundtable: People Are Not Assets” on April 25 at 6 pm Eastern. Register at this link. Interested in participating in the Roundtable? Contact
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April 7
Frank Estala, Senior Compliance Auditor, Integrity Services, University Health
Value and Benefits from Asset Management
April 12 at 3 pm Eastern
With the Australian Asset Management Council
ALN 2022 Municipal Asset Leadership Web Series
April 13 at 3 pm Eastern
Bringing a World of Experience to U.S. Local Governments
Four Questions that Transformed Municipal Asset Management
Melissa Osborne, Senior Manager of Asset Planning, City of Windsor, Canada
ALN Roundtable: People Are Not Assets
April 25 at 6pm Eastern
It is common for organizational leaders to say, “Our people are our most important assets.” While well-meaning, assets are things – tangible and intangible. The contributions of people are the intangible assets that are being referred to in the misguided phrase above. The patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property of people are assets, not the people themselves.
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