Information on the web-based ALN A55K Professional Certification training from December 7 – 18 is available at this link.
The ALN Transportation Sector Asset Leadership Structure will be discussed at this week’s ALN Th@ 4 by Rich Culbertson, ALN Board Member and ALN Senior Fellow. Register at this link and see more below.

Richard Culbertson is one of ALN’s many not so secret weapons. His extensive knowledge of standards and participation in writing numerous, critical standards provides an encyclopedic resource for the ALN. This vast experience is being focused on the first draft of the ALN Transportation Sector Asset Leadership Structure, which will be part of the 2020 Asset Leadership Position Paper presented to the Biden-Harris Transition Team. Rich’s participation in this week’s ALN Th@4 will inform other Sector Leaders how they can also contribute our collaborative document for the new Administration and 117th Congress.
ASTM International |
Standards are the structural foundation for the dramatic organizational improvements advocated by the ALN. For our 2020 Forum, Jennifer Tursi, Manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International, provided a detailed look at the process of making the standards that benefit us all. See her recorded presentation at this link and consider joining ASTM International to help write the standards that impact your sector. |
ALN 2016 Position Paper Executive Summary
In preparing the ALN 2020 Asset Leadership Position Paper for the Biden-Harris Transition Team and the 117th Congress, we looked at our 2016 Position Paper that was hand delivered to the Transition Team and members of Congress. It is worth reviewing. It is also good to note that many items called for are occurring. Agencies are adopting ISO 55000 on their own, the U.S. Government Accountability Office is providing research that supports a structured approach to asset management, legislation has required a strategic asset management plan as a funding requirement, and there is the beginning of widespread acceptance of asset management. Much more can be done in the next 4 years, but great progress has been made since 2016. See the 2016 Position Paper cover letter and Executive Summary at this link.