Dynamic, engaging and necessary keynotes, special presentations, panels and more will inform attendees about the vital roles asset leadership and asset management play in fortifying organizations, including the U.S. Federal Government. Register for web events from October 6 – 22 below:
ALN Th@4 – this Thursday, September, 3 at 4 pm Eastern – ALN Senior Fellow Tacoma Zach will chat Jim Dieter about ISO 55000 certification processes, Water and Wastewater asset leadership and the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum. Register here.
Thursday, September 10 will feature ALN Board Member Dominic Townsend, President of ABS Quality Evaluations.

Dr. Kofi Smith, President and CEO, Atlanta Airlines Terminal Corporation, has agreed to speak at the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America. He presides over the first U.S. airport terminal to have assets ISO 55001 certified. He will address the value of certification and why he is pursuing certification for more categories of assets.
Risk Informed Decision Making
Dragan Komljenovic, P.Eng., Ph.D., FISEAM, who will be speaking at the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum, led a team that wrote a technical paper on a Risk-Informed, Decision-Making Framework in asset management looking at extreme and rare events, including cyberattacks. Published in Safety Science, the paper includes case studies. For a copy of the technical paper please email info@assetleadership.net.
American Society
Of Civil Engineers
The ASCE has published a report titled, “The Economic Benefits of Investing in Water Infrastructure: How a Failure to Act Would Affect the U.S. Economy Recovery.” The report calls for an increased investment to prevent predictable problems. The ALN believes that using ISO 55000 as a guide for implementing the funds would improve outcomes.