The first ALN Th@3 pm ET of 2025 began with strong statements that Asset Management governance is needed to advance mission outcomes for organizations. The web discussion program continues on a high note this week with the Government Finance Officers Association’s Kyle Wedberg. See more below in People.

CGI Federal Inc., a wholly owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions.
Kyle Wedberg, PhD., Project Manager, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), will join us on ALN Th@3 pm ET this week to preview a web program on the importance of Asset Management Policy to State and Local governments. The GFOA program will feature ALN Senior Fellow David Totman describing the ASCE’s Infrastructure Scorecard to set up the need for AM Policy. The ALN approach to leadership will be presented. The majority of the GFOA program will be Earl Jackson, CFO, Denver City and County Transportation & Infrastructure talking about their AM Policy and subsequent policy documents that have been created since the ALN provided an Executive Briefing on the topic. Join us this Thursday for Mr. Wedberg’s preview on the importance of Asset Management Policy. Register here.
ALN Comments to FHA
The Asset Leadership Network submitted comments to Federal Highway Administration concerning rules for Asset Management Plans (AMPs). The comments suggest adding language to better shape AMPs with reference to Policy and Strategy and specifically calling for public involvement in the creation of AMPs funded through the Federal Highway Administration, among other comments. Suggestions for refining Definitions were also included. See the full set of comments at this link.
Provide Real-Time Data
The National Academies’ Transportation Research Board energized it’s 104th annual conference last week with more than 13,000 people attending more than 600 meetings, presentations, and events. A trove of information about the management of transportation assets is available. However, it is timely to read the overview of “Practical Application of Digital Twins for Transportation Asset Data Management: Case Example of a Safety Hardware Asset.” The overview states “The transportation industry relies heavily on properly functioning and maintaining safety hardware assets… traditional asset data management practices for ancillary assets often fall short of providing real-time, comprehensive insights into the condition and performance of these critical assets.” This concept is applicable to transportation and all asset categories.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 16 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Kyle Wedberg, PhD., Project Manager, Government Finance Association, about the ALN co-facilitated event on Asset Management Policy and ISO 55011
Jan. 23 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Special Water Systems Roundtable Program – Panelists include:
From West Palm Beach County Water Utilities:
Pollop Phonpornwithoon, Asst. Department Director Operations, Maintenance, Technology
Anthony Armeli, Director of Maintenance
Melody Laven, Technical Compliance Manager
Ken Gedman, Director, Advisory Services, Stantec
Feb. 5 – 5 pm Eastern – Value and Benefits from Asset Management: Electricity Generation Asset Management
Dragan Komljenovic, Eng., Ph.D., Researcher, Prediction and Reliability, Hydro-Québec, Research Institute
Robin Blair, Agency Asset Manager, Bonneville Power Administration
Stacey Webster-Wharton, Operations Performance Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to