Standards. Standard Operating Procedures. Raising the Standard.
We are talking about a human behavior base line and how we can improve it.
Raising the Standard starts with leaders who understand how closely human behavior is associated with organizational mission success.
People, Sources, and Ideas take a focused look at harnessing behavior to dramatically improve organizational outcomes.

ABS Quality Evaluations can help you minimize risk, improve operational efficiency and maximize the value of your operations and assets, with management system certification, auditing and training. |
Jim Dieter, ALN Founding Member, Chairman, and CEO, will talk with Nick Knoke, ALN Director, Technology about his career in asset management and the many ways standards are collaboratively written to improve human outcomes. On this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET web discussion program, Mr. Dieter’s perspective on how standards impact society will be shared with someone interested in codifying successful leadership behaviors and rapidly deploying them among like-minded colleagues. Register at this link. |
Asset Management Systems require an understanding of human behavior management that can dramatically improve organizational mission outcomes. The AMS Behavior miniseries is another highly informative series of essays by Jack Dempsey, General Partner, Asset Management Partnership and ALN Board of Directors Member in addition leading volunteer positions with the US TAG to ISO 55000, and the National Academies’ Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment. After spelling out clear steps for leaders to take, Mr. Dempsey writes, “Systematic implementation of these behaviors on an enterprise scale is facilitated through the Asset Management Framework.” These are relatable steps that leaders can rapidly deploy. See the series at this link |
Daniel Kahneman, who shared the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for work in behavioral economics, died last week. He was known for working with Vernon Smith to show the limits of human rationality in achieving economic outcomes. He validated what is known by any small bands of war fighters dedicated to a mission – it is possible to overcome overwhelming odds. The application of appropriately led human behavior to economics can guide by an asset management mindset. With proper asset data is possible to visualize economic outcomes for organizations of all sizes to encourage desired human behavior. Learn more about Mr. Kahneman at his Wikipedia page to determine what of his many awards and recognitions you want to learn more about. |
Upcoming Events
April 28 – ALN Airport Asset Leadership Board – Digital Transformation: The Art of the Possible – Register at this link.
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