Happy New Year everyone!
The new calendar year always gives us a chance to look forward and make plans for creating better outcomes in the next 12 months. These often come in the form of hokey resolutions that often don’t amount to anything.
However, asset management is very much a measurement activity, so we are using this special issue of the ALN Line-of-Site newsletter to list some of what we want to be measured by for the year. After reviewing our list, feel free to send in what you would like to see us achieve in 2024.
- Start the year with an in-person event that focuses on optimizing the mission of U.S. Federal Agencies with continually improving asset management. (OK, that one is a ‘gimme’ because we already scheduled a hybrid event on January 10th at the National Academies’ Keck Center for that purpose. See more below and register at this link.)
- Continue providing a platform for asset management leaders to share repeatable success stories.
- Redouble efforts to clarify the powerful values organizations can gain when leaders create and sustain a culture of asset management leadership and governance.
- Promote the revised versions of ISO 55000 and ISO 55001 to be published in 2024.
- Support the other ISO 55K documents for policy, finance, and data management that are in development.
Encourage understanding and adoption of other asset management governance systems, such as the United Nation’s “Handbook for Sustainable Infrastructure,” which is intended for developing nations, but has excellent insights for all organizations. (OK, that is another ‘gimme’ because the United Nations’ Daniel Platz is the keynote speaker on January 10th. Register here.)
- Connect the asset management efforts of organizations that can gain mutual benefits from shared mission outcomes.
- Amplify the single message of “use asset management governance to improve mission outcomes” to multiple industries using their leaders and language to help accelerate acceptance. (Reach out to us about our ALN Industry Asset Leadership Boards – Airports, Cities and Places, Electrical Energy, Water and Wastewater.)
- Further engage with like-minded associations interested in advancing outcomes by bringing an asset management leadership message to their members.
- Provide opportunities for member organizations and interested asset owners to take a leading role in shaping the next 10 years of the Asset Leadership Network.

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Upcoming Events
January 10, 2024 – The National Academies’ Federal Facility Council and the Asset Leadership Network are pleased to provide a forum for presentation of federal reports, federal agency success stories that can be repeated, and discussion on best practices for using asset management governance to address improvements in mission outcomes.
Register at this link.
Review documents from the U.S. Government Accountability Office at these links (GAO-21-497 & GAO-24-105485) and download the National Academies’ “Strategies for Renewing Federal Facilities.”
Agenda in brief is below. See detailed agenda at this link.
Leading Optimization at Federal Agencies
8:00 am – Registration / Networking
8:30 am – Welcome, thanks, overview
9:00 am – Keynote speaker – Daniel Platz, United Nations
9:30 am – U.S. Government Accountability Office
10:15 am – Break
10:30 am – National Academies’ “Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities”
11:00 am – General Discussion
11:30 am – Lunch
12:30 pm – After Lunch Speaker to be confirmed
1:00 pm – Federal Best Practices in Real Property Investment Decision Making part I
2:30 pm – Break
2:45 pm – Federal Best Practices in Real Property Investment Decision Making part II
4:15 pm – Summary Panel
5:00 pm – No Host Reception and Dinner – Carmine’s Italian Restaurant
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to info@AssetLeadership.net.