People are not assets. But spending time with people can be an asset when information is shared and intellectual property is generated in the form of education and insights. Spending time with people at the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, this Friday 16 September for the ALN’s “A Culture of Value: Sustainable Infrastructure” will be a great asset for you – and for your existing and future colleagues. Register below to learn about a structured approach to infrastructure asset management, real property asset management, personal property asset management – and how they all have to interact in order to improve your organization.
ALN Th@3 pm ET this Thursday 15 September will feature a talk with Mark Knight, Senior Managing Consultant at 1898 & Co. See more below in People and register for ALN Th@3 at this link.
The Andrew James Advisory Group is Offering A55K Professional Certification Course starting October 24
Mark Knight is both an international engineer with 1898 & Co. and an international liaison for the Institute of Asset Management, where he is Director of Projects and Chair of the U.S. Technical Committee. Mr. Knight is a co-author of an Asset Leadership White Paper being co-published by the ALN and the Institute of Asset Management. He advocates for the best practices of all associations to be promoted and used by organizations to improve their mission success with a structured approach to asset management. He will be talking about ways that associations can help organizations reach across borders to address asset management issues in a manner that governments can’t. Please join this week on ALN Th@3 pm ET in a preview of discussions that will occur at the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, this Friday 16 September for the ALN’s “A Culture of Value – Sustainable Infrastructure.” |
David Marroni, Acting Director, Physical Infrastructure, U.S. Government Accountability Office, will be presenting on the GAO’s recently published report on Post-Pandemic Planning for Office Space and other issues at the ALN’s “A Culture of Value – Sustainable Infrastructure” this Friday 16 September. Many federal agencies reported plans to reduce space going forward, which would have significant infrastructure issues on critical U.S. economies. The report discusses changes agencies made to office space in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and anticipated changes to be made in the next 3 years. |
The legislative staff for U.S. Congressman Gerry Connolly, Va. 11th District, expressed interest in the use of MAP-21 language requiring an Asset Management Plan in order to receive federal funds to acquire assets. MAP-21 also included funding for education and training about the creation of asset management plans. Congressman Connolly’s office was contacted because he represents the area where the ALN has its headquarters. What if those who are legally able were to reach out to their federal representatives and suggested inclusion of asset management language in all bills? Could we increase value to the nation through a grassroots asset management campaign? Join us at the National Academy of Science to discuss this further. Or contact ALN Executive Director Mike Bordenaro at |
Upcoming Events
Mark Knight – ALN Th@3
September 15th
Mark Knight, Senior Managing Consultant at 1898 & Co. and an international liaison for the Institute of Asset Management, where he is Director of Projects and Chair of the U.S. Technical Committee.
A Culture of Value: Sustainable Infrastructure
September 16th
This in-person event will be conducted at the National Academy of Sciences featuring speakers from federal and local government, institutions, associations, and private industry.
Why? Sustainable success from our infrastructure investments demands asset leadership guiding a structured approach to asset management. Collaborative efforts identifying and uniting the best practices from many associations and sectors provides the most direct path to greatest value to the nation.
IAM North America Conference in Denver October 3 – 6, 2022 |
ASTM Committee Week in New Orleans October 16 – 21, 2022 |