The Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program this Wednesday 16 February 4pm – 5pm EST will feature presentations on the State of Victoria, Australia’s Financial Management Act Standing Direction 4.2.3 Asset Management Accountability (see below in Sources). There will also be an update on the Atlanta Airline Terminal Company’s recent expansion of its ISO 550001 recertification scope. Nicholas Phillips, Executive Director of MACE Consulting will describe Victoria’s success and Gary Merrow, VP of Facilities for AATC will address the expanded scope at AATC. Register below for the program co-hosted by Australia’s Asset Management Council and the ALN.

Robert Radovanovich, PhD., is an asset management academic at University of Calgary and an engineer at McElhanney. He will be the ALN Th@3 pm ET guest this Thursday 18 February. Mr. Radovanovich is establishing an Asset Management for Sustainable Infrastructure graduate program that addresses policy, planning, software, data, analytics and more. Financial reporting, Environment-Social-Governance issues, and risk management are also included. Mr. Radovanovich has both multi-disciplinary engineering experience and extensive involvement in advancing the profession of asset management. Register at this link.
The Australian Financial Asset Management Act of 1994 was updated in 2018 and included an Asset Management Accountability Framework. The Financial Asset Management Act set the standard for financial management by Victorian Government Agencies and includes requirements for accountability. The Asset Management Accountability Framework applies to physical and intangible assets required to support delivery of government services. It establishes non-prescriptive requirements for asset portfolio lifecycle asset management that is aligned with ISO 55001. There is much for the U.S. to learn from our Australian colleagues. Register for Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program on Wednesday 16 February 4pm at this link.
Good things are happening if Wikipedia mentions ISO 55000 in the definition of “asset management.” There are sentences before these, but asset management is no longer seen as a finance-only activity. “…It is also increasingly used in both the business world and public infrastructure sectors to ensure a coordinated approach to the optimization of costs, risks, service/performance and sustainability. The International Standard, ISO 55000, provides an introduction and requirements specification for a management system for asset management.”
Grant Thornton Advisory Services: Bold ideas for breakthrough business strategies
Upcoming Events
Every Thursday at 3pm Eastern
February 17
Robert Radovanovich, PhD., is an asset management academic at University of Calgary and an engineer at McElhanney.
Value and Benefits from Asset Leadership web program
February 16 at 4pm Eastern
Australia’s Asset Management Council and the ALN continue our web series featuring the State of Victoria, Australia’s asset management progress over the past 4 years and an update on the Atlanta Airline Terminal Company’s recent expansion of its ISO 550001 recertification scope. Nicholas Phillips, Executive Director of MACE Consulting will describe Victoria’s success and Gary Merrow, VP of Facilities for AATC will address the expanded scope at AATC.
Register Here
ALN February Roundtable
February 28 at 2 pm Eastern
Moderated by Jim Dieter, ALN CEO
The City of Greater Geelong, Australia Asset Management Success Story
March 8 at 3 pm Eastern
An asset management success story with new ALN Organizational Member Assetic – part of the Dude Software company. This Success Story sets the stage for what is possible in the U.S. that will be discussed in the ALN Winter Summit. Register here.
Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership
March 15 & 16
ALN Winter Summit – Web programs in the afternoon Eastern time
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