Sometimes, every couple of decades, things just come together.
Beginning in the early 2000s ONUMA, Inc., an ALN Platinum Member, has been running BIMStorms as online brainstorms using Building Information Models as a way to plan for the entire lifecycle of assets – facilities, capital equipment, personal property, fleets, infrastructure and all assets. Kimon Onuma will facilitate another free BIMStorm with the ALN starting March 1, 2022. See more below in People and Upcoming events or see Mr. Onuma on this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET.
Jack Dempsey, ALN Board of Directors Member and ALN Senior Fellow, worked with Kimon Onuma, more than 20 years launching the U.S. Coast Guard into an exemplative approach to asset management based on clear strategy, tactics and an advanced use of powerful tools and processes. Last week, a National Academies published a report on Federal Facilities. It included Mr. Dempsey as a key participant and ALN Senior Fellow Mike Aimone as the chair. See more below in Sources.
All are invited to participate in the ALN BIMStorm : Higher Education to learn how an advance governance system for assets can guide the use of ever evolving tools and processes. In a powerful demonstration of current capabilities, a series of learning opportunities will be focused on planning a temporary women’s health clinic to be “landed” on the campus of Ankara, Turkey. Asset management principals and fundamentals will be demonstrated through interactive workshops. Funds will be collected to support United Nations earthquake response efforts. See more below in upcoming events.
Jacobs: Challenging today.
Reinventing tomorrow.
Kimon Onuma is a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects for all of the advanced education and training he has provided designers, contractors and owners. He has led numerous National Institute of Building Sciences programs to teach professionals how to leverage the explosion of new processes to transform results. He has held 5 BIMStorm activities with the ALN in the past that can be reviewed here and numerous others that can be review here. Hear Mr. Onuma in this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET as he talks about his latest and most targeted BIMStorm with the Asset Leadership Network to date.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics published “Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities” with Mike Aimone, Committee Chair, and Jack Dempsey, Committee Co-Chair. The PDF is available for free here. The report was a collaborative effort of the National Academies’ Division on Engineering and the Physical Sciences; Federal Facilities Council, and the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment. A presentation by Mr. Aimone and Mr. Dempsey is available here. The ALN will facilitate a series of programs to help socialize the report in the federal government and in many other environments where it can provide transformative benefits. Look for future announcements.
Participate in ALN BIMstorm : Higher Education
The ALN BIMstorm : Higher Education will continue temporary healthcare planning demonstrations by ONUMA, Inc. for the ALN audience that go back to 2020 for the pandemic and were continued for showing how to support Ukraine in 2022. In 2023, we will focus use of proven tools and processes to assist with asset management needed for earthquake disaster relief in Turkey and Syria. Many session are free, but to make a real impact, participants of some sessions are asked to make donations to one United Nations relief fund to be chosen by consensus decision of those involved. See more below in Upcoming Events.
Upcoming Events
February 22 – Planning Session – Invitation only
March 1 – Public presentation with Kimon Onuma and Jack Dempsey
March 8 – Earthquake Relief Considerations based on March 1 activities – Donation Required
March 15 – Planning Session – Invitation only
March 22 – Public Presentation with Kimon Onuma and Jack Dempsey
March 29 – Earthquake Relief Considerations based on March 22 activities – Donation Required
April 5 – Planning session – open invitation
April 12 – Final Public Presentation with Kimon Onuma and Jack Dempsey