Infrastructure is intended to support human flourishing. But often, the human interest in new projects detracts from the necessary work of maintaining infrastructure so it can be of service to ongoing generations of stakeholders.
The ALN 2022 Spring Web Summit will highlight the proven ways leaders of federal agencies, states, and local governments can work together to ensure the highest value is delivered to the nation through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
– Examples of what has worked in the U.S. and other countries will be highlighted.
– Thought leaders will share how existing approaches to infrastructure asset management can be improved.
Tuesday 15 March
1:00 pm Eastern – Keynote Program: Michigan Infrastructure Council – Presentations and discussions with John Weiss, MIC Chairman; Erin Kuhn, Exec. Director West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission; Ryan Laruwe, MIC Executive Director; Iain Cranston, President, icInfrastructure, consultant on MIC Council Asset Management Training
2:00 pm Eastern – Continued discussion with other State and Local Executives including a GFOA Representative – Michael DeMers, Principal, Grant Thornton; Hugh Sinclair, Division Manager, Enterprise Asset Management, WSSC Water; Kyle Wedberg, Senior Manager, Research and Consulting, GFOA; Chris Silke, Portland, Oregon Parks and Recreation, Asset Management Program Manager
3:00 pm Eastern – Cameron Oskvig, Director, National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE); Jack Dempsey, BICE Board Member; ALN Board of Directors Member; ALN Senior Fellow; Director, Definitive Logic
3:30 pm Eastern – Andrew Von Ah, Director of Infrastructure U.S. Government Accountability Office and Elizabeth Repko, Director for Surface Transportation Issues; Heather Krause, Director for Aviation Issues; Jill Naamane, Director for Federal Asset Management Issues
Wednesday 16 March
1:00 pm Eastern – Panel: Learning from International Infrastructure Asset Leadership Success
- Chris Chen, Executive Director at Asset Management Ontario (AMONTario)
- Michelle Walker, Corporate Asset Management Coordinator, City of Greater Geelong, Australia
- Ben Clark, Group Manager, Assets and Infrastructure, Town of Walkerville, AU
- Edesio Scalese, Jr., Regional Maintenance Principal Engineer – LATAM – Syngenta
- Jorge Cerezo Restrepo, Asset Management Director, EPM Colombia
- Sergio Custodio, Gerente Regional America do Sul, ABS Quality Evaluations do Brasil Ltda.
2:30 pm Eastern – Transportation Asset Leadership Roundtable
- Mildred Chua-Ulger, ALN Board of Directors, ALN Senior Fellow; IAM Knowledge Leadership Group Lead; 34 years with NYC MTA
- Amy Lindblom, Director, Enterprise Asset Management, Sound Transit; IAM USA, Chair; IAM North America Women in Asset Management, Chair
- Robert Radovanovic, PhD, Branch Manager, Calgary Engineering at McElhanney, University of Calgary, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Alexa Braun, Vice President & Operations Leader- Strategic Consulting, North America, Jacobs