The ALN Pharmaceutical Sector Asset Leadership Structure will be discussed at this week’s ALN Th@ 4 by Bob Smith, ALN Board Member and ALN Senior Fellow. Register at this link and see more below.
Bob Smith is an ALN Board Member, Senior Fellow and convenor of the ALN’s PhAIM initiative on Pharmaceutical Asset Information Management. In his position as Principal Consultant, Asset Management and Reliability for CAI, Smith ha...
mark giuliani
Pharmaceutical 4.0 Asset Management – 10/14

The pharmaceutical industry was required to incorporate planned improvements sooner than anticipated. Successes that can be replicated and issues to avoid can be transferred among industries.
Speakers include:
Bob Smith, CAI Principal Consultant, Asset Management and Reliability and ALN Senior Fellow; Mark Giuliani, ALN Senior Fellow, President, Giuliani Digital; Nick Kissel, Director, CMMS Data GroupNick ArmstrongMike Bordenaro, ALN Director of Communica...
Weekly Update from reStructuring America
ALN Director of Communications, Mike Bordenaro, goes through the agenda recapping the first week of the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum - reStructuring America.