Many people ask us how they can get started on their asset leadership and asset management journey. That is why we created ALN A55K Professional Certification. Find out more about the 2-week web course leading to this professional certification starting on November 9, 2020 at this link.
October 19, 2020
The ALN Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America – continues to provide necessary information. See immediately below for a summary of Week 2. Look further below for the 4 free web programs this week. Register at this link.
There was a significant show of support for using an asset management system approach to achieving organizational mission success from many executives during Week 2 of the ALN 2020 Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America. Highlights include:
- Launch of ALN Initiatives on Inequity, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and ALN Español;
- Revelation of DHS ISO 55000 initiatives that started this year;
- The GAO reported on the activities of the recently launched Public Buildings Reform Board, which is looking to sell about 12 excess properties to gain about $500 million and the GSA Public Building Commission launching the Lease Cost Avoidance Plan to eliminate $4.7 billion in ineffective leases; and,
- The National Academies’ Federal Facility Council and Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment reinforced long-standing support for systematic asset management and announced a promising report for early 2021.
All web programs were recorded and are available in their entirety and in speaker segments at this link.
Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League, lead off the “Addressing Inequity with Asset Leadership” with examples of how he did just that as Mayor of New Orleans. Mr. Morial expressed willingness to help continue addressing inequity by introducing ALN to the 90 National Urban League affiliates. Other members of the program also enthusiastically supported discussion on establishing ongoing programs on this topic.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security reported on a new real property policy and Strategic Asset Management Plan aligned with ISO 55000. The DHS’ Ken Burgess lead a “Team Keynote” that started with his statements and included comments from key staff at DHS Office of Readiness. Also presenting were Keith Cunningham, GAO Infrastructure Assistant Director and Cameron Oskvig, National Academies Director, Federal Facilities Council and Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment. ALN Senior Fellows Mike Aimone and Jack Dempsey spoke on an upcoming report from the National Academies’ Federal Facilities Council that ties ISO 55000 to federal facilities asset management. Bill Brodt, NASA Experimental Facilities Engineer, explained how NASA is addressing asset management with ISO 55000.
The Pharmaceutical industry, which is initiating a Pharma 4.0 initiative to improve efficiencies, will be supported by an ALN Pharma Asset Information Management (PhAIM) series of programs with assistance from ALN Organizational Member CAI and ALN Board Member and ALN Senior Fellow Bob Smith, who is Principal Consultant, Asset Management and Reliability with CAI.
“Healthcare in 2020 and Beyond” highlighted the success of the University Health System, which is the first hospital in the world to be ISO 55001 certified and re-certified. UHS Hospital Administrator Michael Roussos, spoke on the value of systematic asset management and was willing to share knowledge and experience to assist other public and private healthcare institutions. ALN Senior Fellow Art Kurland, Director of Capital and Asset Management for UHS, and Frank Estala, UHS Compliance Auditor, Integrity Services, provided excellent details on processes that can be replicated. Facilitating the event was Tia Maragos, Principal, Andrew James Advisory Group, the ALN Organizational Member that offers training for the ALN A55K Professional Certification Exam and healthcare asset management. Also participating was U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Chief Engineer, Ed Litvin. More Asset Leadership healthcare events will be held in the future.
Presenters and attendees agreed to have regular ALN Español web programs. Guide your Spanish-speaking colleagues to the all-Spanish video at this link. For more information contact ALN Senior Fellow Daniel Ortiz Plata at ALNEspañol@AssetLeadership.net
The third week of the ALN 2020 Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America features:
Federal Law Enforcement Asset Leadership
Tuesday 20 October 1 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern
Key federal agencies will show how to apply asset leadership to law enforcement activities.
Cross pollination of common problems will be addressed with repeatable processes.
Speakers include:
- Ken Burgess, Executive Director, Assets and Logistics, Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer, DHS (not pictured)
- Moshe Nelson, Principal and Asset Management Lead, Grant Thornton
- Karen Lopez, Chief, Asset Management, Federal Bureau of Investigations
- Eric Brown, ALN Senior Fellow and Department of Homeland Security, Director, Mobile Assets & Personal Property
- Al Green, DHS-ICE, Chief, Asset Management Division

Water & Wastewater
Wednesday 21 October 1 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern
Mitigating risk with proven asset leadership systems thinking can provide insights for many asset categories.
Speakers include:
- David Collinsworth, CEO, Brazos River Authority
- David Totman, VP, Asset Management Innovyze and UESI/ASCE representative to US TAG TC251
- Tacoma Zach, ALN Senior Fellow and President, Uberlytics
- Susan Lott, Assistant Director, Natural Resources and Energy, U.S. Government Accountability Office (not pictured)

reStructuring America – The Path Forward with Asset Leadership Thursday 22 October 1 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern
Closing Keynote, panel and summary addressing what is being done to lead the nation toward greater value from improved asset management.
Speakers include:
- Peter Kohler, President and Founder, Asset Management College, Sydney, Australia, Keynote and panel member
- Jim Dieter, ALN CEO
- Jennifer Zach, ALN Board Member, Uberlytics, CMO
- Michael Hardy, ALN Senior Fellow
- Boudewijn Neijens, CMO, Copperleaf
- Steven Holland, LMI, Principal, Logistics & Property Management, National Security Market
- Jack Kelly, ALN Board Member and ALN Senior Fellow (not pictured)

ALN Th@4 – Special ALN Senior Fellow Forum
Thursday 22 October 4 pm – 5 pm Eastern
ALN CEO Jim Dieter will lead ALN Senior Fellows in a discussion of their special projects, their take-aways from the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum and their paths forward for helping improve asset leadership in their sectors.