ALN engages the executive function of organizations to initiate and enhance a management systems approach to increase asset value to stakeholders.
This was demonstrated to executives of the U.S. Federal Government and contractors in the ALN 2021 National Issues Series. Program recordings are available at this link.
Starting with established U.S. evaluations by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the American Society of Civil Engineers, the ALN then followed with commentary a...
asset leadership
David Totman – ALN Th@4 ET

Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders...
Hugh Sinclair – ALN Th@4 ET

Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with lea...
Rich Culbertson – ALN Th@4 ET

Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and pro...
Ed Safdie – ALN Th@4pm ET

Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and pr...
Jennifer Zach – ALN Th@4pm ET

Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and pr...
Sector Asset Leadership Success Structure – ALN Th@4pm ET
Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disaste...
Special ALN Senior Fellow Forum – ALN Th@4pm ET

ALN CEO Jim Dieter will lead ALN Senior Fellows in a discussion of their special projects, their take-aways from the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum and their paths forward for helping improve asset leadership in their sectors.
Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important a...
reStructuring America – ALN Th@4pm ET
Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and pr...
Dominic Townsend on Certifications during the Pandemic and Beyond
Register for ALN Th@4
Video Recordings
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disaste...